
Girl Talk Monday: Cramps!!

 A new segment that I am going to add to my blog is,Girl Talk Mondays.This girl talk monday,we're going to be talking about something that a lot of women and younger women go through all over this world,Cramps! I do know of some women that never get cramps (Lucky) but,I unfortunately do not have that sort of luck.My cramps are painful and ache throughout the entire day and sometimes even week.I can take Excedrin or Tylenol and it still won't help.The only thing that helps is a glass of red wine or some sleep.Sometimes,I can't even sleep.My cramps have never been so bad that I throw up.although I do know some people that do that.Hopefully,I find something that works.If you have any suggestions,you should leave them in the comment box below,it would help me and a lot of others,I am sure.

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