
Sorry I've been away for awhile.


Dear Chickadees,

    I'm so sorry that I've been gone for the past few weeks (maybe even a month...woops.). I've been so busy that,it feels like I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off.I'm FINALLY done with my junior year of highschool and I am now offically.....A SENIOR!!!! HOLLA!!!!.
I'm so excited to be a senior,I've been looking forward to this day...FOREVER!!! I also have cut my hair and dyed it since the last time I've written to you guys,I dyed it dark brown and it's cut short (way short.) I actually really love it know.My little brother is 2 months old now and is doing great. And,I'm not totally sure about this but,I'm thinking of starting an OFFICAL Youtube channel,I haven't decided on what to call the name of it,Although I did make a few videos under my real name just because,I have only uploaded like three videos though,I honestly just want to do youtube for a hobby nothing super fancy dancy,Tell my what you think that I should name it (It would be super helpful.) Also,Please give me some suggestions on what I should call this to,I can't decided on MissElainer or, MissCalin (Calin is my real name.....shhhh,lol) Well please comment at what you think I should call it,It would be so helpful,I can't wait to finally start blogging for you guys again since I am FINALLY!! not to busy,I love you guys so much,and am so excited.

                                                                            Love,Calin :)

P.S. What do you guys think that I should do on this blog,PLEASE!! give me suggestions,should I do more beauty things,more rants,more fashion stuff,or more boyband stuff...please give me some suggestions in the comment box.

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