
My worst week EVER!!!!


    Dear Readers,
       This is by far the worst week I've probably ever experienced in my life.It started off with this guy named Tom,Tom and I have been friends for a few months and insistently hit it off.So,we decided to take it to the next chapter and start dating.Well,we basically broke up not even a week later because,tom decided to post on his social media website,"That moment when you're texting someone and they don't text back." I instantly as his girlfriend thought,"Who is he texting like that??" So,I confronted him about it and he said and I quote,"It's was one of my buddies." That was a little strange considering the fact that he told me the day before that he couldn't text me because,his phone was "Broken." You know I should have known that Tom was no good when he didn't want to make it FB official because he wanted to tell his family.So,I decided to sink the ship before it sailed so that way,I wouldn't get even more hurt by this.He did delete the post but,now he is ignoring me not that I give a damn anyway because I really don't care what he does.It just sucks because he said that he loved me first and then look what happens?? And,to top it all off my boss e-mailed me today,without explanation and told me that he didn't want me to work for him because,"It didn't work out!"....It DIDN'T WORK OUT??? How fucking professional.I'm just so stressed out and just tired of this and now,I don't have any money either!!! Erggg,Lord help me...This week has been rough,

Why Target is the best store ever!!!


Target is the best store ever!!

 Target is legit the best store ever,and not only do they have cute baggers named Alex but,they have legit everything.Even Starbucks!! Target has a wide variety of clothes,sports wear,home decor,and even food,For really low prices. It is literally my favorite store on earth,I got the cutest sandals there for 23 bucks,who could beat that ?? They have almost every clothing size there is and their clothes are really,really cute.So,Target is literally the best store ever and anyone who disagrees is wrong,okay you're not wrong but still.This store is amazing!!

My bucket list!!

1:Go to Ireland
2: Live in Amsterdam
3:Meet Niall Horan
4:Marry my bestfriend
5:Visit London
6:Find my family in England
7:Have a baby
8: Stop Smoking
9:Become a "Lady"
10:Go on a no budget shopping spree
11:Visit the Anne Frank house
12: Go Zip lining
13:See Jimmy Buffett in Concert
14:Go sing Karoke
15:Lose weight
16:Get butt injections
17:Bleach my hair blonde
18:Get better at Twerking.
19:Stand up for peoples rights
20:Get my nose pierced
21:Be able to wear a two piece swim suit.
22:Visit Durham,where my family lives.

50 Facts about me

50 Facts about me


1:My first name is Calin
2:I'm from a city called Indianapolis but,I was raised in a small town about 30 mins. away.
3:I love Vera Bradley,I'm like a Vera Bradley junkie
4:I love watching youtube videos
5:I love to listen to One Direction and George Strait
6:I want to get a Lily Scarf
7:I was born on September,30th
8:I love Mason jars
9:I want to go to Georgia State University,or the University of Georgia
10:For some reason,I really love Georgia
11:Peaches are my favorite fruit
12: I love to eat Frozen Yogurt
13:Someday,I want to be a Nurse for babies
14:I'm a practicing Roman Catholic.
15:I'm saving up to go to Ireland.
16:I believe in Jesus Christ
17:I love Boat shoes
18:I used to live in Tennesse from ages 2-5
19:I want to move back down South once I am older.
20:Even though I do want to go to school in Georgia,I am a huge LSU fan.
21:I love Cajun food,cause my daddy's family is from Louisiana and he makes really good cajun food.
22:Niall Horan is my Ultimate Celebrity crush.
23:I love to get my nails done
24:I am a natural red head (More redish blonde) but I dye my hair blonde.
25:I have a thing for Irish boys and I'm still not sure what it is.
26:My dream truck is a Ford F-150 4x4 super cab,lifted.
27:I grew up listening to Garth Brooks 
28:My favorite song ever is either Amazing grace by Elvis Presley or You are My Sunshine by Johnny Cash.
29:I love Pearls
30:I'd rather drink Sweet Tea over Starbucks any day.
31:When I was 5,I broke my arm
32:I love to read books
33:My dream dog is an Irish WolfHound
34: Chocolate is my weakness
35:I have really weird dreams about Niall Horan
36:I'm scared of birds in the room
37:My biggest fear is of Needles
38:I don't want any tattoos
39:My philosophy is the higher the hair then the closer to god.
40: I love Jimmy Buffet in the summer time.
41:I love listening to older blues artist such as Ray Charles and Etta James.
42:I think the beatles are okay,but I'm not in love with them
43:I love to randomly do my makeup
44:I like watching Bridal shows on TLC,just because.
45:I have a little brother
46:I love Harry Styles' Hair
47:My favorite holiday is Christmas
48:I know every word to Georgia on my mind.
49:I love Bath and Body Works Candles
50: I still don't own a pair of Toms.


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