
Gypsy Soul - Calin Wheeler (An Original Poem.)

The Stars When we first talked must have been aligned that night.The night that I sat there and told one of my very best friends that I like to look at the stars because I know that maybe my future soul mate would be looking at them too.They must have been aligned with the moon when I first talked to you.You see my dear I am a gypsy soul,my mind is curious and my soul is here to wonder and travel the world.Freedom is my middle name and is all I ever wanted,I didn't want a house,babies or even to get married.I just wanted to travel the world until my soul is fulfilled.Love was never on my mind until you came across.But obviously this is more than just a sign this is absolute fate.Now instead of Traveling the world alone to fulfill my gypsy soul,I get to travel with you instead.I get to spend the rest of my time and destiny with you and I couldn't be more happier and more grateful to do so because you dear was the person that saved my gypsy soul. - Calin Wheeler

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