
What I wish I would have done.

As I lay in bed feeling cold even though I am wrapped up in your arms,As I long for you but that is apart of yourself that I and you both know you just can't give to me.No matter how sweet I am to your soul.

I understand,I know that I am a wild one,I am a lot for some and hard for others but these are some things that I wish I could have done.I understand that,It is what it is but,these are somethings that I have never truly gotten the chance to say.I wish I would have held you more because then maybe I would have appreciated it more when you were once warm to me.I wish I would have opened up to you more,Broken down my walls and given you my trust.Then maybe you would have felt as if you could more,or come to me when you have burdens on your chest.Now that I have grown,I realize that you have needed a friend to just vent to all along.

If I could turn back time,I would have shown you more things that I am interested in because then maybe you would have seen what makes me truly unique and what makes me myself; from Turtles to Halloween.I would have started more conversation even if it was just smoke talk, because then you would always have something to ease your mind from your troubling worries.

If I could do it all over again,I would have kissed you less.I wouldn't have presented myself as so easy around your friends.

If I could change back to the way it was before ,I would have pushed you more to become the man I know you can be.

If I could turn back time,I think I would have waited.I wouldn't have given you my all as fast as I did,I would have waited longer and became a closer friend.

If I could turn back everything that I ever did badly in my life,it was not listening to you,not hearing you out,Not trying to know you deeper,Not giving you your space when it was needed but most of all being a bad friend by taking my own heart break and putting it against you,the world might be against you but I am not against you.

What I wish I could have done the most,Is not taking enough time to try becoming your best friend.


Gypsy Soul - Calin Wheeler (An Original Poem.)

The Stars When we first talked must have been aligned that night.The night that I sat there and told one of my very best friends that I like to look at the stars because I know that maybe my future soul mate would be looking at them too.They must have been aligned with the moon when I first talked to you.You see my dear I am a gypsy soul,my mind is curious and my soul is here to wonder and travel the world.Freedom is my middle name and is all I ever wanted,I didn't want a house,babies or even to get married.I just wanted to travel the world until my soul is fulfilled.Love was never on my mind until you came across.But obviously this is more than just a sign this is absolute fate.Now instead of Traveling the world alone to fulfill my gypsy soul,I get to travel with you instead.I get to spend the rest of my time and destiny with you and I couldn't be more happier and more grateful to do so because you dear was the person that saved my gypsy soul. - Calin Wheeler
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Visit ReBag here.


Cartoon post- What having Anxiety and Depression disorders feel like. (Photo credit:Dr.Asky)

                                             (Photo Credit by:Dr.Asky.)
Dr.Asky FB page.


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   I am now on Blog Lovin' where you can easily have access to my blog. This web site is amazing.

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Happy Holidays!!!

                                                               (Found on Pinterest)

Dear Readers/Followers/Friends,

    I'm writing this post for you guys,well because It seems like I haven't blogged in a while and also because for some reason,I can't seem to get my self on a blogging schedule (which I need to do.)
However,the main reason why,I am writing to you guys is to let you know that,I would love to wish you all a happy Holiday season this year.I know that holiday shopping can be successful,and holidays can be stressful in general for some people but just remember that at the end of the day,It's not about presents and materialistic items,it's about Friends,Family, Love and Laughter (a lot of laughter.) Remember to let your loved ones know that you love and care for them (because nobody is promised another day on earth and to just enjoy being surrounded with people that you love the most.) So with that being said,Merry Christmas,Happy Hanukkah,Kwanzaa,and Ramadan,and any others that I may have forgotten.


My anxiety.

                                                                 (Found on Pinterest)

Dear Friends,
   My anxiety has been getting worse,and worse.I can feel it just ,sucking all of the little bit of energy that I have left out.I swear living with a General Anxiety Disorder is like living in a place where your criticized about everything by everyone although,a lot of people do that anyway.To me anxiety feels like taking a huge step but at the same time not falling.Like,drowning but without an anchor to keep you from sinking to the bottom and the bad thing about it is,nobody cares.Like being homesick for a place that isn't home.My anxiety is triggered by worry.Worry that something isn't right,that something is out of place,that someone won't love me back,that my English paper isn't perfect.That the books on my shelf at home aren't in alphabetical order like,I like them or that my bed isn't made,or that my library books are a day late.Little things that most people would never care or think about,People with an Anxiety disorder care to much and think way to much about.It's like it's never ending to,like you just criticize yourself.You nit pick at every little bitty thing that you possibly could think of.It's so hard living with Anxiety because you never know when it will end or if it will ever just want to be okay,I want to be okay,I will be okay.

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